9 Ok Sure

A visual celebration of the joy in community, friendship and companionship.

Artist Tee Kundu moved to Waterloo more than four years ago. While finding a sense of community has proven a fleeting pursuit, they continue to say yes and make friends with neighbours, colleagues and familiar faces.

“For a long time, I looked for the kind of heartwarming and wholesome friendships that are supportive and up-lifting,” Tee explains. “Ok Sure is a response to tentative plans, a sign of effort and bonding. As a mural, it is meant to convey the quirky ways we work together as a community to help each other grow.”

Tee is an illustrator and designer. They look for humour and honesty in everyday anecdotes, mostly their own.



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Window of Voila Institute (72 King St. W.)
Saturday, November 4th @ 7pm
No touching!