4 Collage Party! \\ Stephen Lavigne

Craft your own playful image with an artist’s stash & insights.

02-stephen_lavigne-single-cubic-unit-value-study Stephen Lavigne is a visual artist and educator based in Kitchener who makes things using found items and sweet ideas from board games, overstock art materials and various types of novelty and masking tapes. He combines these raw materials with drawing and painting to reimagine common objects like plastic crates or mobile homes.

Open Sesame (off Carl Zehr Square out front of Kitchener City Hall) will host an exhibition of Lavigne’s work from October 14 to November 27. On Saturday, November 5th, festival-goers to make their own pieces with Lavigne sharing both his expertise and some of his trove of his found materials. Collagers are welcome to participate for five minutes or three hours (although there’s only room for 30 or so people inside the venue).


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Open Sesame (220 King St. W.)
Sat Nov 5th \\ 7-10pm
Limited Space