36 Creatures of the Gyre

Reconsider the deluge of single-use plastic containers by appreciating their bottled potential.


A group of grad students representing the University of Waterloo’s Water Institute are returning to Night\Shift to recalibrate their efforts to encourage locals not to use plastic bottles. SWIGS ‘ illuminated recycled fish from last year – affectionately named ‘Swiggy’ – will be brought back and joined by a considerably larger turtle, a jellyfish, an octopus and a stingray. The four new illuminated aquatic animal sculptures, aka Creature of the Gyre , will be installed at Kitchener City Hall property to ignite discussion about the environmental consequences of choosing single-use bottles.

Wanna get involved? Night\Shift and SWIGS need your help to make this particular exhibit float.


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Kitchener City Hall (200 King St. W.)
7pm to 2am
No touching!